Head Coach - Chris Grabowska
Assistants - Wes Kragt, Eddy Holgate, Derek Diedrikson
Tiger Football
2019 Season
Season Record 11-1
DATE | Location | Opponent |
Sept 6 |
H |
MHS 54 vs Florence 14 |
Sept 13 |
H | MHS 47 vs Three Forks 0 |
Sept 20 |
A | MHS 26 vs Missoula Loyola 14 |
Sept 27 |
A | MHS 42 vs Whitehall 0 |
Oct 4 |
H | MHS 42 vs Columbus 20 (Homecoming) |
Oct 11 |
A | MHS 43 vs Big Timber 8 |
Oct 18 | H | MHS 34 vs Townsend 14 (Senior Night) |
Oct 25 |
A | MHS 26 vs Jefferson 7 |
Nov 2 |
1st Round | MHS 41 vs Cut Bank 0 |
Nov 9 |
Qtr Finals |
MHS 26 vs Loyola 7 |
Nov 16 | Semi-Finals | MHS 25 vs Fairfield 19 |
Nov 23 | Finals | MHS 6 vs Eureka 20 |
Thanks to The Belgrade News for all the great articles and their support through the season.