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Manhattan Bus Service Sign-Up

Bus Registration Form - This form must be completed every summer or year to keep data up-to-date

District Transportation Guidelines:

The District may provide transportation to and from school for a student who:
     1. Resides three (3) or more miles, over the shortest practical route, from the nearest operating public elementary or public high school.
     2. Is a student with a disability, whose IEP identifies transportation as a related service; or
     3. Has another compelling and legally sufficient reason to receive transportation services.
     4. Lives in the Manhattan HS/MS/ELEM District (Amsterdam Elem District is included).
     5. Nonresident/Out of District Students may be permitted to ride from an already established in-district bus stop.
Bus Registration Form - This form must be completed every summer or year to keep data up-to-date
Bus transportation is provided by Harlow's Bus Service
Ralph Jones - Transportation Manager
Office: (406) 287-3461
Company: (702) 683-4740