Title IX Information
Policy 3125 - Education of Homeless Children and McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
Assistance Dispute Resolution Form.
Title IX Presentation: This document contains a PDF file of the Title IX Complaint process which was updated the spring of 2020. It was prepared for Manhattan School District #3 by Kalava Law Offices August of 2020.
Manhattan School District
Sexual Harassment Policy
It is the policy of Manhattan Public Schools that all employees have a right to work in an environment free from all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment. It should be understood that sexual harassment is against the law and the Manhattan Public Schools are committed to the prevention of all forms of sexual harassment in the work place. In addition, the State of Montana prohibits retaliation against any employee because he or she has made a report of alleged sexual harassment or against any employee who has testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation of a report.
Sexual harassment is generally defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for favors and other verbal, physical and /or visual contact of a sexual nature when:
Submission is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment.
Submission or rejection by an employee is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting employees.
Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or otherwise offensive work environment.
Sexual harassment should be reported as soon as possible after the incident or action occurs. Early reporting is encouraged because management’s ability to investigate and act on reports diminishes with time. If you feel you are being sexually harassed, do not keep it to yourself: take the following steps:
Inform the individual that his/her behavior is unwelcome, offensive, or inappropriate. Do not assume or hope that the problem will go away.
If you are unable to confront the harasser or if the harassment continues, notify your supervisor, the first-level supervisor who is not involved in the alleged harassment, or your agency’s EEO office. (Mr. Brian Ayers).
Request a copy of your agency’s sexual harassment report form from any administrative office and return the completed form as soon as possible.
Keep Notes. Keep a record of the dates, times, places witnesses, and describe each incident. Save all notes, correspondence, or related records in a safe place.
If you are considering reporting a complaint, you can:
Use the reporting procedures contained in your agency’s sexual harassment prevention policy.
File a complaint with the Human Rights Commission. Complaints with the Human Rights Commission will be accepted within 180 days of the act or an extended 120 days if you are using an internal complaint procedure.
If you are not personally a victim of sexual harassment, but observe actions against other employees that you believe to be harassment, you are encouraged to bring it to the attention of your EEO officer. (Mr. Brian Ayers)
136. DISCRIMINATION: Manhattan Public Schools do not discriminate in education or employment on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, physical or mental handicap, political belief, marital or parental status unless based upon reasonable grounds as provided by law.
Inquiries or complaints regarding discrimination should be directed to Mr. Brian Ayers (bayers@mhstigers.org), Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator, Manhattan High School, Box 425, Manhattan, MT 59741, (406) 284-3341. (Optional – to the Administrator, Montana Human Rights Commission, Room C-317, Cogswell Building, Helena, MT 59620, (406) 444-2884 or Director, Office of Civil Rights, Federal Office Building, Denver, CO 80294, (303) 844-5695).