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Welcome to kidsLINK Tigers After School!


 kidsLINK Welcome Policy Letter and Registration Form 

Manhattan Public Schools (MPS) and Greater Gallatin United Way kidsLINK (GGUW) have partnered to offer kidsLINK Tigers After School. Our after school program is here to keep students safe and engaged in fun filled activities while allowing families to complete their workday. It also gives families flexibility to run to the doctor or dentist in the afternoon without worrying about what to do with their school age kids. Mrs. Kallestad is the After School Program Coordinator and is the main contact. She works closely with the school staff and administrators to ensure a successful and enriching program.

3:35 - 3:45 - Meet students and take roll.
3:45 - 4:15 - Have a healthy parent provided snack and go over school work.
4:15 - 5/5:15 - Go outside/guest speakers
5/5:15 - 5:30 - Additional tutoring, reading time, etc... and prepare for pick up
by 5:30 - Pick up time. See Flyer for additional details 

  1. Email: - best way to get in touch is via email.
  2. The After School Program cell phone :  406-595-6644 (3:30-5:30pm on school days)
  3. Mrs Kallestad's personal cell  is 406-799-9463  (ONLY for emergencies, after hours or the weekend are not emergencies.)


  1. Pay Online using your School Infinite Campus Account
  2. Leave payment with Mrs. Holzworth at the Elementary Front Desk
    1. Checks payable to: “Manhattan School District” MEMO: “After School"
  3. Mail payment to Manhattan Schools "ATTN After School", POB 425, Manhattan, MT 59741
Complete details and registration form can be found using this file: